February 8, 2025
The Barn at Fairview Acres

2025 Banquet
5:00 PM Social Hour
6:00 PM Dinner and Program
8:00 PM Auction
9:00 PM Stone Cold Cowboys

We are looking forward to another great event this year. If you are interested in sponsoring or have an auction idea, please email tricountycattlemen@gmail.com.
Individual ticket prices $75 per ticket
Table (8 tickets) and Sponsorship Recognition - $800
Table (10 tickets) and Sponsorship Recognition - $1,000
**Support even if you can’t attend: Last year our “It’s for the Kids” Sponsors supported our auction and scholarship fund with $4000 in donations. If you are unable to attend or want to support above and beyond purchasing tickets, this is a great way to donate directly to the cause.
Jon Haney 309.313.2618 Tyler Schleich 309.335.3939
Gayle Baker 563.380.8720 Thad Tharp 309.333.8814
Visit our Facebook page for up to date information and photos of auction items!